So we are writers, yes? But do we know our metatags from our sitemap verification? Our SEO strategy from our google dashboard? Think I am speaking in tongues? Oh that I were… Look away now all of you familiar with this land and this lingo. I thought I understood the basics but, heaven help me, when I set up this website - to share a few smiles and tips with other writers - I had no idea. Oh go on. Smile your wry smile at me, all you techno gods. I know. I know. I should “get” this stuff. It’s all about platforms these days – and we’re not talking shoes. “Have you verified?” someone asked when I queried why my site had suddenly disappeared from the google search list. Excuse me? Verified? “Yes – so the spiders can crawl your site. Check you out regularly.” You are kidding me. I didn’t even know google had spiders – verified or otherwise. Cue slow and ominous shaking of head followed by lecture – from which I learn that these software bots creep around the web regularly, checking for new content to decide if a website or blog is worth keeping an eye on. So now my blood is running cold worrying that the spiders may be reading this right this moment. May not like what I’m saying. OK. Call me paranoid, but let’s now call them giraffes so their ears don’t burn (do spiders have ears?). So the, ahem, giraffes apparently creep through these pages from other pages to ensure we are all behaving ourselves. And what exactly do the spiders want, I ask my adviser. “Oh – that’s easy. Fresh and original content. Regular updates. ” Gulp. Absolutely no pressure then…. · Comments are closed.
AuthorTeresa Driscoll - journalist, author, mother of two and lover of great coffee. CATEGORIEsArchives
February 2024