Oh gawd. In my writing life, I am at that terrible pitching stage when you know that people are reading your new manuscript but you don’t yet know what they think of it. And so I am distracting myself in the only sensible way I know . May I introduce you, ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls, to my first…..(pause for dramatic effect) sourdough starter. Yup. I have finally gone and done it. Whizzed up some flour and water, with a little guidance from the lovely Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. I have popped the starter in a glass jar and given it a warm and cosy spot in the kitchen. I have given it some very special tlc. I have fed it daily. And now I am being rewarded with lots of lovely bubbles, which is apparently precisely what we want. Just a few more days, according to my bread guru Hugh, and I will be ready to bake with it. Never mind that my elder son – currently home from uni – apparently “hates” sour dough bread. Never mind that the Husband keeps eyeing the jar as if it is some Frankenstein experiment. I am a happy lady. More sweet than sour, you might say. Here’s hoping the new pitching bubbles along just as nicely. Comments are closed.
AuthorTeresa Driscoll - journalist, author, mother of two and lover of great coffee. CATEGORIEsArchives
February 2024